[mapserver-users] (no subject)

David Pavlíček pavlicek.david at gmail.com
Sun Jun 6 21:42:48 PDT 2021

Hi again,
I continue on the journey to dockerized Mapserver, and this time im
struggling with this issue:

*[warn] [pid 25] mod_fcgid: stderr: mapserv(): Web application error.
Traditional BROWSE mode requires a TEMPLATE in the WEB section, but none
was provided. `[error] [pid 25] End of script output before headers:
mapserv_wrapper[04/Jun/2021:09:17:22 +0000] "GET
/?map=/etc/mapserver/honitby/honitby.map HTTP/1.1" 500 806 "-" "Mozilla/5.0
(Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko)
Chrome/89.0.4389.82 Safari/537.36"*

Message above is logged in error log and Apache HTTP 500 is returned to a
client instead of HTML page for some outputs (like trying to request BROWSE
mode without a defined template). But, strange is that it happens for a
second, and each subsequent call. First call is handled correctly for each
project and server start.

mapserver_wrapper is a simple shell wrapper around mapserv from the
camptocamp mapserver container. When I exec into a container and try
mapserv or wrapper directly, then proper HTML output is always returned.

Here is also DEBUGLEVEL=5 log:

*[warn] [pid 25] mod_fcgid: stderr: loadParams() QUERY_STRING:
map=/etc/mapserver/honitby/honitby.map [warn] [pid 25] mod_fcgid: stderr:
msLoadMap(): 0.001s [warn] [pid 25] mod_fcgid: stderr: CGI Request 2 on
process 81 [warn] [pid 25] mod_fcgid: stderr: mapserv(): Web application
error. Traditional BROWSE mode requires a TEMPLATE in the WEB section, but
none was provided. [warn] [pid 25] mod_fcgid: stderr: mapserv request
processing time (msLoadMap not incl.): 0.000s [warn] [pid 25] mod_fcgid:
stderr: msFreeMap(): freeing map at 0x1f22560. [warn] [pid 25] mod_fcgid:
stderr: freeLayer(): freeing layer at 0x1f29e60. [warn] [pid 25] mod_fcgid:
stderr: msPostGISLayerIsOpen called. [error] [pid 25] End of script output
before headers: mapserv_wrapper2651 - - - [04/Jun/2021:10:14:12
+0000] "GET /?map=/etc/mapserver/honitby/honitby.map HTTP/1.1" 500 806 "-"
"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like
Gecko) Chrome/89.0.4389.82 Safari/537.36"*

At first I thought it was caused by PostGIS connection pooling (close =
defer), but it happens even with projects with local layer sources (SHP) or
without pooling. Maybe some magic Apache cache configuration or
something... Any thoughts on what can cause this?

There is also reference to the issue I created in camptocamp GIT repo, but
we agree with the maintainer that this is probably a more appropriate issue
for this mailing list...


thanks David
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