[mapserver-users] Getting started with mapcache for WMTS...

Jeff McKenna jmckenna at gatewaygeomatics.com
Mon Oct 25 18:59:20 PDT 2021

Hi Carl,

You can also find those same local MapCache configuration steps for MS4W 
online at https://ms4w.com/README_INSTALL.html#mapcache-apache-module 
(but I'm very glad to see you following the steps in your local README, 
great!)  Thanks again for the positive feedback for MS4W.

PS.  someone asked recently the same question about the mailing list 
search, here was my response:

I just use Google search to query the archives:
   - goto https://google.ca
   - in the search box enter: 
site:lists.osgeo.org/pipermail/mapserver-users/ yoursearchterm

This may not always contain the latest archives (depending on the speed 
of Google-mothership bots), but I find it very helpful.


Thank-you for using MS4W.
"MS4W: open doors as well as windows"


Jeff McKenna
GatewayGeo: Developers of MS4W, MapServer Consulting and Training
co-founder of FOSS4G

On 2021-10-25 6:54 p.m., Carl Godkin wrote:
> Hi again,
> Is there a way to search through the mapserver-users mailing list 
> archive except month-by-month?  If so, I can't find it.  (I usually use 
> my Gmail archives for GDAL and PROJ since I've subscribed forever to 
> those but I'm a mapserver newbie.)  Anyway...
> I am trying to configure mapcache to serve from my (local and AFAICT 
> fully working) WMS server on my MS4W 4.0.5 installation.  I am following 
> the  directions at https://mapserver.org/mapcache/index.html 
> <https://mapserver.org/mapcache/index.html> as well as the steps listed 
> from the local MS4W page (#mapcache-apache-module).
> I think I understand the basic principles and have added a new source 
> that looks like this:
> <source name="faa" type="wms">
> <getmap>
> <params>
> <FORMAT>image/geotiff</FORMAT>
> <LAYERS>FAA_Sectional_Charts</LAYERS>
> <SRS>EPSG:4326</SRS>
> <BBOX>-125,24,-61,49</BBOX>
> </params>
> </getmap>
> <http>
> <url>http://localhost:8080/wms <http://localhost:8080/wms></url>
> </http>
> </source>
> and a new tileset that looks like this:
> <tileset name="faa">
> <source>faa</source>
> <cache>disk</cache>
> <grid>WGS84</grid>
> <format>PNG</format>
> <metatile>5 5</metatile>
> <metabuffer>10</metabuffer>
> <expires>3600</expires>
> </tileset>
> (This is the same as the "test" tileset with a different source.)
> But how do I test this? The query
> http://localhost:8080/mapcache/wmts?service=wmts&request=getcapabilities&version=1.0.0 
> <http://localhost:8080/mapcache/wmts?service=wmts&request=getcapabilities&version=1.0.0>
> lists my new source as a layer. The docs say
>  5.
>     Test your MapCache configuration by following steps in the
>     associated MapCache testing docs
>     <https://mapserver.org/mapcache/install.html#test-your-mapcache-module>
> but that seems to be about testing the mapcache/demo.  I don't see how 
> to add something to the mapcache/demo if that's possible.  What am I 
> overlooking?
> Thanks a lot,
> carl
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