[mapserver-users] WCS layer units question...

Rahkonen Jukka (MML) jukka.rahkonen at maanmittauslaitos.fi
Thu Jan 13 01:08:18 PST 2022


I can only tell that with these metadata settings in my mapfile

              "wcs_label"    "orto_vv"  ### required
              "wcs_resolution" "0.5 0.5"
              "wcs_imagemode" "BYTE"
              "wcs_bandcount" "3"
              "wcs_band_names" "Band1 Band2 Band3"
              "wcs_timeposition" "2000-11-11T11:11:11Z,2001-11-11T11:11:11Z"
              "Band1_band_description"    "NIR range 700-900 nm"
              "Band2_band_description"    "Red range 600-700 nm"
              "Band3_band_description"    "Green range 500-600"
              "Band1_band_uom" "foo"
              "Band2_band_uom" "bar"
              "Band3_band_uom" "foobar"
              "wcs_rangeset_axis" "E,N"

              "wcs_extent"          "212000.000 6762000.000 218000.000 6768000.000"
              "wcs_rangeset_name"   "Range 1"  ### required to support DescribeCoverage request
              "wcs_rangeset_label"  "My Label" ### required to support DescribeCoverage request

I can see for example this in DescribeCoverage
<swe:field name="Band3">
<swe:description>Green range 500-600</swe:description>
<swe:uom code="foobar"/>

I have the same version 7.7.0-dev (MS4W 4.0.5).

-Jukka Rahkonen-

Lähettäjä: MapServer-users <mapserver-users-bounces at lists.osgeo.org<mailto:mapserver-users-bounces at lists.osgeo.org>> Puolesta Carl Godkin
Lähetetty: torstai 13. tammikuuta 2022 2.45
Vastaanottaja: Mapserver-Users (mapserver-users at lists.osgeo.org<mailto:mapserver-users at lists.osgeo.org>) <mapserver-users at lists.osgeo.org<mailto:mapserver-users at lists.osgeo.org>>
Aihe: Re: [mapserver-users] WCS layer units question...

Hi Jukka,

Thanks for the documentation pointer.  I have attached a .map file in which I have all three of the possibilities

      # Trying all three.  My single band is called "band"
      "wcs_band_uom"  "m"
      "ows_band_uom"  "m"
      "band_band_uom"  "m"

but I still only see

<swe:uom code="W.m-2.Sr-1"/>

from DescribeCoverage.  I am very curious to know what I've overlooked!

By the way, I'm running MapServer from the "camptocamp" docker image.  It appears to by MapServer 7.7-dev.

Thanks so much,

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