[mapserver-users] Mapserver projection, auto and extent

Trygve Aspenes trygve at aspenes.priv.no
Thu May 19 06:26:25 PDT 2022


I got a geotiff raster with a projection which is not an EPSG code, so 
in the mapfile I use AUTO in the layer projection. This also means I 
skip the extent and projection in map level in the mapfile. In one 
client this works fine ( this client request epsg:3857 and this looks 
fine to me)

But in QGIS, this does not work nor any other projections.

Then I add EXTENT and PROJECTION in my mapfile like this:
   EXTENT -56.6378419 31.5007307 95.025531 84.6828537

And then EPSG:4326 works in QGIS also. But if I try to change the 
projection i qgis, eg to EPSG:3857, this does not work in QGIS, even if 
it still work in my other client.

So what is it that I don't understand about EXTENT and PROJECTION. I 
have looked at the documentation 
https://mapserver.org/mapfile/projection.html#important-notes and and as 
far as I can understand from the second bullet point the projection 
definition at map level can be looked as the outgoing projection with 
the extent accordingly.

What do I need to do to make QGIS be able to use other projections as 

I do have a link to my getcapabilities document, but hesitates to put it 

Trygve Aspenes

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