[MapServer-users] getfeatureinfo works from mapserver but not via mapcache

Trygve Aspenes trygve at aspenes.priv.no
Fri Apr 14 06:51:43 PDT 2023

Hi mapserver users list

I have a mapserver with getfeatureinfo available. This seems to return 
the correct value for the selected timestamp for the given layer when 
used directly.

But when I try to reach the same info, ie. getfeatureinfo, from mapcache 
a wrong timestamp is passed to mapserver and then the wrong values are 

The request received by mapcache(as seen in the logs):
2023-04-14T13:34:20.304781696Z - - [14/Apr/2023:13:34:20 
+0000] "GET /okd-satellite 

The request received by mapserver(as seen in the logs):
2023-04-14T13:34:20.303555611Z - - [14/Apr/2023:13:34:20 
+0000] "GET 
HTTP/1.1" 200 743 "-" "mod-mapcache/1.11dev"

So what happens. The mapcache request looks correct with 
time=2023-04-11T07:15:00Z, then I guess this request is forwarded to 
mapserver, but I think it is without the TIME parameter. Why I think 
this is because the request I see in the mapserver logs has the default 
time stamp as given in my mapfile.

Are there some configuration I'm missing? I had a look at 
to see how getfeatureinfo should be configured, but no other 
information. My mapcache source config looks like

     <source name="ash_meteosat_0deg_source" type="wms">
                 <MAP><my map file></MAP>

Any hints are appreciated.


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