[MapServer-users] Question: Where do WMS URLs in WFS GetMetadata reply come from?

Stefan Gofferje lists at home.gofferje.net
Sat Jul 27 04:51:43 PDT 2024

OK, this is wild. The bbox coordinates of those WMS links are in the 
original projection of the shapefile, even if the projection in the same 
link is something different...


The link says EPSG:4326 but the bbox coordinates are in EPSG:3067 (which 
is the original projection of the shapefile)...

On 7/26/24 14:06, Stefan Gofferje via MapServer-users wrote:

> Hi,
> after getting WMS to run and thinking I got the basics, I moved to 
> learning WFS with mapserver now. I have set up a simple WFS mapfile and 
> it seems to work, however, I noticed that in the GetMetadata reply are 
> WMS URLs in
> gmd:distributionInfo -> gmd:MD_Distribution -> gmd:transferOptions -> 
> gmd:transferOptions -> gmd:gmd:onLine
> See 
> https://mapserver.gofferje.net/?map=wfs&request=GetMetadata&layer=valkeakoski
> Where do those come from? Can I/should I turn them off or should I add 
> WMS services to my mapfile? Can I have WFS and WMS in the same mapfile?
> BR: Stefan
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