[MapServer-users] Cluster style crashes MapServer 8

Jaques Tati jaques.tati at gmx.net
Tue Jun 11 01:14:05 PDT 2024

Hi Seth,

layer has an EXTEND (ensured this after reading the results of a search
through this mailing list).
I also did a mapserver 8 setup with a postgis layer and the same layer
definition on my private laptop
also with a postgis source and it works flawless. - but it uses IIS as
I wrote, that according to logging the data comes back from the
postgreSQL source and when i do
comment out the CLUSTER the data is correctly displayed.
But, i will try to test your idea about the shapefile source, will come
back then.

thanks anyway and BR

Am 11.06.2024 um 09:51 schrieb Seth G:
> Hi,
> A couple of things to try to narrow down the issue:
> 1. If you are able to export the PostGIS layer to a shapefile, then you can change the DATA of the layer and see if there is still a crash.
> 2. Is there an EXTENT set on the layer? I ran into an issue using MS SQL [1] and clustering. Try adding one manually.
> Seth
> [1] https://github.com/MapServer/MapServer/pull/6278
> --
> web:https://geographika.net & https://mapserverstudio.net
> twitter: @geographika
> On Tue, Jun 11, 2024, at 9:31 AM, Jaques Tati via MapServer-users wrote:
>> Hi There,
>> in our application we're upgrading our v7.6 MapServer to v8.01.
>> Everything seems to work good so far but we have one layer that uses
>> Clustering of points
>> and whenever this layer should be displayed MapServer 8 crashes
>> reproducably.
>> This layer works flawless in v7.6 and clustering is setup exactly from
>> the book.
>> When i comment clustering out, the layer is displayed, so all other
>> style features do work.
>> Datasource is a PostGIS layer, webserver is Apache 2.4.59.
>> Looking at the debug output, the data comes back as expected from the
>> database,
>> even clustering is logged and no error in the MapServer-Logfile.
>> The crash is reported in Windows Application-Eventlog with only cryptic
>> reasons that do
>> not really result in any valid answers when googling.
>> ..there is a word "StackHash" included that might point to DEP
>> (DataExecutionPrevention)
>> of Windows, - but since all other layers do work with the MapServer-Exe
>> it would be hard
>> to understand why windows does prevent the output of clustered layers.
>> We're using Windows Server 2022 21H2 Datacenter Edition, 8 CPU 32GB RAM.
>> Anyone heard of this crude behaviour, I'm running out of ideas?
>> Thanks in advance for any hint
>> SH
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