[MapServer-users] Cluster style crashes MapServer 8

Jaques Tati jaques.tati at gmx.net
Tue Jun 11 00:31:24 PDT 2024

Hi There,

in our application we're upgrading our v7.6 MapServer to v8.01.
Everything seems to work good so far but we have one layer that uses
Clustering of points
and whenever this layer should be displayed MapServer 8 crashes

This layer works flawless in v7.6 and clustering is setup exactly from
the book.
When i comment clustering out, the layer is displayed, so all other
style features do work.
Datasource is a PostGIS layer, webserver is Apache 2.4.59.

Looking at the debug output, the data comes back as expected from the
even clustering is logged and no error in the MapServer-Logfile.
The crash is reported in Windows Application-Eventlog with only cryptic
reasons that do
not really result in any valid answers when googling.
..there is a word "StackHash" included that might point to DEP
of Windows, - but since all other layers do work with the MapServer-Exe
it would be hard
to understand why windows does prevent the output of clustered layers.

We're using Windows Server 2022 21H2 Datacenter Edition, 8 CPU 32GB RAM.

Anyone heard of this crude behaviour, I'm running out of ideas?

Thanks in advance for any hint


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