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Mon Oct 7 05:54:23 PDT 2024

TRANSPARENCY [integer|alpha]

Sets the transparency level of all classed pixels for a given layer. The
value can either be an integer in the range (0-100) or the named symbol
"ALPHA". Although this parameter is named "transparency", the integer values
actually parameterize layer opacity. A value of 100 is opaque and 0 is fully

The "ALPHA" symbol directs the mapserver rendering code to honor the indexed
or alpha transparency of pixmap symbols used to style a layer. This is only
needed in the case of RGB output formats, and should be used only when
necessary as it is expensive to render transparent pixmap symbols onto an
RGB map image.

The complexitity of your pixmap symbol is not really important. Why do not
you replace it by a truetype symbol.
Do you know that you can use any truetype symbol from any trutype file for
symbolization with mapserver.

A+ ;-) Bernd
Bernd Deckert
01MAP - la carte vecteur d'information
35, allée d'Irlande
34080 Montpellier
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "André M. Winter -" <ml.winter at CARTO.NET>
Sent: Wednesday, August 03, 2005 11:06 AM
Subject: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] transparent color on PIXMAP in JPG output

> hello,
> new to maperserver i am playing around with different WMS sources. till
> now i used a GIF output because it best handled the DEMIS source. adding
> some satellite image sources i am missing to much colors and i switched
> to JPG (also tried PNG).
> the problem: i do have PIXMAPs used for SYMBOL definintion that have a
> transparent color defined. with JPG output this is no more the case and
> i get such a result:
> <>
> (remaining green sqares). the symbols should look link this:
> <>
> (wrong extension, this is a GIF) or  but here we see the missing colors
> in the background satellite image...
> PNG output doesn't help
> <>.
> using PNG instead of GIF PIXMAP doesn't change anything.
> is this a GD or a mapserver problem?
> fyi here are my OUTPUTFORMAT dedinitions
> #  NAME mapformat
> #  MIMETYPE "image/gif"
> #  EXTENSION "gif"
> #END
> #      NAME mapformat
> #      DRIVER "GD/JPEG"
> #      MIMETYPE "image/jpeg"
> #      EXTENSION "jpg"
> #END
> and that's the way i define symbols
>     SYMBOL
>         NAME "gp_icon_plus"
>         TYPE PIXMAP
>         IMAGE "gp_icon_plus.gif"
>         TRANSPARENT 1
>     END
> thank you for information hereon,
> -- 
> ___________________________________________________________________
> andre m. winter,
>  cartography for internet and multimedia applications
>  a6091 goetzens, tyrol, austria
>  tel.: ++43.5234.32732
>  email: <winter at>
> <>          SVG consulting and development
> <>          online cartography focusing on SVG
> <>     print and online touristic map solutions

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