[VisCom] GeoWeb 2006 slot?

Venkatesh Raghavan raghavan at media.osaka-cu.ac.jp
Mon Apr 10 22:55:01 EDT 2006

Hi Dave, Michael,

Congratulations, Dave. My best wishes for a long and
happy married life.

Some presentation material that I used in Tokyo,
Hanoi and Thailand this March is
available at http://wgrass.media.osaka-cu.ac.jp/foss4gtk/presentation_tokyo_06.odp
Hope it could be of some use.

Kind regards


Dave McIlhagga wrote:
> I'd be interested -- but it might put at risk my wedding scheduled for a 
> few weeks later if I left town a couple of weeks before the big date!
> I do have need to develop materials however, and anticipate turning to 
> that soon -- so if you're attending, we'll hopefully have some good 
> stuff to pass along your way.
> Dave
> Michael P. Gerlek wrote:
>> FYI, we can have a 10-20 minute slot (actual details tbd) at the GeoWeb
>> 2006 conference to promote OSGeo, should we so wish.
>> Thoughts?  I need to let them know within a few days if we'd like to do
>> this.  Do we have a board-level rep attending who could present? 
>> -mpg
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