[OSGeo-Board] Press Release to be published on March 6

Gary Lang gary.lang at autodesk.com
Sat Mar 4 16:24:42 EST 2006

"- Gary: since the Promotion and Visibility Committee isn't yet fully
           I would like to ask you to get it through the Autodesk channels by
           6th March "

I will see how soon they can do it, but the people who do this aren't online right now and are not likely to do it on a day's notice. May take a day or two.


-----Original Message-----
From:	Markus Neteler [mailto:neteler.osgeo at gmail.com]
Sent:	Sat 3/4/2006 1:15 PM
To:	OSGeo-Board; Sean Sternfeldt; Michael Gerlek; OSGeo VisibCom; mlavoie at collab.net
Subject:	[OSGeo-Board] Press Release to be published on March 6

Hi all,

I have updated the press release again and want to publish it on
Monday: http://www.fossgis.de/osgeo/index.php/Proposed_Press_Release

- please take a final look
- WebCom: please put the English version onto the server. Translations
                 must be verified first for latest updates, then moved
- Gary: since the Promotion and Visibility Committee isn't yet fully
           I would like to ask you to get it through the Autodesk channels by
           6th March
- DanielB, please prepare for possible slashdotting (personally, I don't
           expect that with this release)
- myself: I'll post it on Monday, 6th to all addresses I know (see below)

Lessions learned
- the next press release must go much faster
- Promotion and Visibility Committee should take care and establish
  the procedure



List of receipients for the press release addressed by Markus:
   OSGeo-announce <announce at mail.osgeo.org>
   OSGeo-discuss <discuss at mail.osgeo.org>
   http://osx.macnn.com/    (email to news tips)
   http://www.gis-news.de/  (news at gismngt.de)
   http://www.giscafe.com/  (link: submit material)
   http://www.directionsmag.com/pressreleases.php (click on 'Contact Us')
   http://www.gisdevelopment.net (click on 'Submit Press Release')

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