[OSGeo-Board] Re: [VisCom] Re: OSGF at Where 2.0

Chris Holmes cholmes at openplans.org
Thu May 4 14:35:13 EDT 2006

Tyler Mitchell wrote:
> Chris wrote:
>>Er, sorry?  
> No apology necessary - you were feeling guilty and excited all at once...who could stop you? :)
> Re: Worldwind, I just think that we have some other great projects we could showcase through a couple more lightning talks instead of the 15 minute talk.  E.g. MapServer, MapGuide, GRASS, OSSIM, MapBender, etc. and even loosely associated ones like osgPlanet if we wanted more eye-candy as well.  And we could justify all of them as being "standards loving" too and not just under an OSGeo banner.

GRASS already has a 15 minutes slot...  Maybe I could write back that 
we'd like a couple more lightning talks, alongside a WorldWind lightning 

>>I'm sorry, the next time such a decision comes up 
>>I'll leave more time for feedback.
> At least you didn't just discuss in IRC, let I'm always tempted to do!  It's understandable though, we're still feeling our way through this.  We're going to keep bumping into issues like this where the board makes decisions that overlap the mandate of committees like VisCom.  
> Delegate...delegate, remember, you want to make the board irrelevant, right? ;)  [referring to your blog]
Yeah, I do...

Though in this case I thought I was doing viscomm, checking in with 
board.  I think it's harder when we all wear too many hats...  Though 
yeah, so far only those who also wear a board hat seem quick to make 
decisions, when I'd prefer that say mpg could confidently say yes to the 
GeoWeb organizers that he could do an OSGeo talk...


> Thanks,
> Tyler
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Chris Holmes
The Open Planning Project
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