[Fwd: EU Infrastructure Report]

Arnulf Christl arnulf.christl at ccgis.de
Tue May 9 08:26:16 EDT 2006

I have been contacted by GDS who specialize in putting together reports 
that are distributed to a large number of addresses. Their main asset 
being that these addresses are highly focused and reach a well defined 
set of people at the management and decision makers level. The current 
topic regards spatial data infrastructures and interoperability within 
EU plus selected countries further to the east.

We (as company CCGIS) have done this kind of promotion with GDS before 
and the direct result was zero. Still, I wanted to let you know about it.

If any of you considers this to be an important enough channel to make 
us spend €13,750 (which corresponds to Premium Sponsorship) or any other 
level please feel free to go to their web site and check out the 
details. I have received an additional PDF document that I can send you 

Additionally you will have to contact FunCom. I am pretty sure that with 
some heavy dickering and the very good references that we have we will 
be able to reduce the cost considerably but I will not be able to do it 
myself. Too much else already.

In my personal opinion we should not take any action and defer this kind 
of thing for later. Please answer by the weeekend so that I can give GDS 
a reply on Monday.

Would this be something that we could vote for? The easiest would be 
that someone votes with a -1 and we forget it.


-------- Original Message --------
Subject: 	EU Infrastructure Report
Date: 	Tue, 9 May 2006 11:33:21 +0100
From: 	Jessica Watkins <jwatkins at gdsinternational.com>
To: 	<arnulf at osgeo.org>
CC: 	'Holly Windsor' <hwindsor at gdsinternational.com>

Hi Arnulf,

Good speaking with you today. Here is the information you requested
regarding the *EU Infrastructure Report. *Please feel free to take a
look at our website www.euinfrastructure.com

The proposed package for *OS Geo Foundation* is as follows:

     * Position on the *Executive Roundtable* – interview with *OS Geo
       Foundation* executive
     * *OS Geo Foundation* to take a *Single Page Advertisement* in the
       premium position of outside back cover, with a free reprint
     * Additional 1000 word *Case Study* or *Technical Article* online.
     * Entire editorial presentation along with company logo and
       hyperlink will appear on the EU Infrastructure website
       www.euinfrastructure.com <http://www.euinfrastructure.com/>
     * *42,000 controlled distribution* of report
     * *Lead Management Service*- Individual username and password
       provided to login
     * *Circulation Manager*
     * Full resources of GDS production and editorial team upon request
     * Additional circulation to the top Trade Shows and Seminars

Total cost: €13,750

I look forward to speaking with you again on Monday, when I can answer
any questions you may have, and look to allocate this position to you.

Kind Regards,

Jessica Watkins, on behalf of

Holly Windsor

GDS International

Level 1, Park House

Greyfriars Road


CF10 3AF

Tel: +44 2920 663 980

Fax:+44 2920 663 994

Mobile: +44 7702 482 918

Email: hwindsor at gdsinternational.com <mailto:hwindsor at gdsinternational.com>

www.gdsinternational.com <http://www.gdsinternational.com/>

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