[Marketing] OSgeo at Finnish GIS expo, 23-24 Sep 2008

Cameron Shorter cameron.shorter at gmail.com
Sat May 10 07:37:38 EDT 2008

Option 4:
* Offer to do an OSGeo related presentation. Presentations are usually 
free to presenters and attract a lot of mind share. If you are looking 
for slides, search for presentations at:

Mark Leslie did a great overview of the OS Stack.
Tim Bowden did an Open Source overview
Cameron Shorter and Simon Cox talked about open standards and the OGC

Arnulf Christl (OSGeo) wrote:
> On Tue, May 6, 2008 08:36, Ari Jolma wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I was contacted by people organizing the yearly Finnish GIS expo. He
>> wrote that they had thought about FOSS4G as a theme (there are probably
>> other themes too) for the Expo and had already asked a distinguished
>> non-finnish member of the community (he's in the OSGeo board but as I
>> understood that he's not yet fully promised so I won't put his name here)
>> as a keynote speaker. I also agreed to talk at the Expo.
>> I started to think that if FOSS4G is a theme, then maybe we should have
>> a OSGeo booth too. We don't yet have a Finnish OSGeo chapter so this is a
>> call for anybody living in Finland to participate. The booths start at 105
>> €/m2 but cheapest may be a 3m2 booth which costs 720 €. Not cheap.
>> We'd also need volunteers who know about OSGeo software. That might be
>> the first thing to secure before going forward.
>> Help and advise appreciated,
>> Ari
> This is good news. There are several options how to organize and manage a
> booth for OSGeo. You can try to find a sponsor (this is the preferred
> because easiest way to do it). We do this in Germany on a regular basis.
> Ideally it will obviously be a business involved with some FOSSGIS
> background. If you have an Autodesk office in Finland you could try to ask
> them, I have experienced them to be very open to this kind of event.
> Alternatively you could ask the organizer whether they would be interested
> to host an OSGeo booth for free or reduced cost. The reasoning is that it
> is a hype topic and attracts people who otherwise would not be interested.
> Doing this is a bit more tedious and involves some bargaining skills but
> we have also gone down that path before.
> Third option is to request some funding from OSGeo. It is the hardest path
> as funding is limited and the globe is large. But if there are compelling
> reasons and you manage to convince this list, then this is also an option.
> Hope this helps to get you started. Please feel free to keep us informed
> on this list or get me off list if matters have a more delicate touch.
> We have a ~regular IRC meeting, the next one is planned for Wednesday next
> week (will announce here). We can add your event to the agenda if you feel
> like discussing it.
> Best regards,

Cameron Shorter
Geospatial Systems Architect
Tel: +61 (0)2 8570 5050
Mob: +61 (0)419 142 254

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