[Marketing] Local Chapter and fundation representation

Jacolin Yves yjacolin at free.fr
Mon Jul 6 05:33:12 EDT 2009


I have some question about logo and sponsorship for local chapter. As nothing 
seems clear (to me) but some ideas were published on this thead [1]. :)

# Logos
Here some idea from thread [1]
- we are not supposed to change the OSGeo logo (what does it mean? Don't 
modify the logo: color, shape, etc.) (cameron)
- but allowing creativity with logos (like mixing the OSGeo logo with the 
Southern Cross for the Aust/NZ chapter) (cameron)
- Don't modify 'OSGeo' text (Jody) ;
- "open" approach for local chapters, while retaining clear  
control over the "main" logo (Tyler).

It seems that the consensus is "to move toward  "open" approach for local 
chapters, while retaining clear control over the "main" logo".

Finally, I don't know if the OSGeo-fr logo [2] use correctly the Offical 
branding guide or not! I think a clear guide and process need to be 
established to avoid problem later. ;)

# Sponsorship

The Californian LC "want to collect sponsorships, or at least get sponsors to 
help shares costs for events." [3], the OSGeo-fr LC aims to get some funds by 
this way as well. We already have some contact but our sponsorship process is 
still a draft document.

What are the possibility for LC to get funds without create issue for OSGeo? 
How can we create a process which could allow local sponsor to move up to 
sponsor OSGeo fundation later? Finally, what is the allowance?

OSGeo-fr think to :
1. create sponsorship page (logo and description) on their own website ;
2. create some sponsorship OSGeo-fr logos as you did for OSGeo (it seems 
important to me to be allowed by OSGeo marketing board) ;
3. publish a press release ;
4. display logo on OSGeo-fr booth.

Thanks in advance to share your idea :)

[1] http://lists.osgeo.org/pipermail/marketing/2009-June/002252.html
[2] http://svn.osgeo.org/osgeo/local/Francophone/Templates/logos/
[3] http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Marketing_Meeting_2009.01.15#Agenda
Yves Jacolin
"Donner la liberté aux individus ne suffit pas, il faut aussi leur donner du
pouvoir, de la puissance d'agir." M Gauchet

"Give freedom to people is not enough, we also have to give them the power 
to use this freedom, to act". M Gauchet
Yves Jacolin

Ne demandez pas si vous pouvez contribuer, contribuez ! :)

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