[Marketing] guidelines to change/combine the OSGeo-Logo into localchapter Logos

Alex Mandel tech_dev at wildintellect.com
Wed Jun 3 04:14:22 EDT 2009

As I've stated before in the marketing meetings, a logo like this seems
fine as long as it is accompanied by the regular OSGeo logo and not used
instead of it. Or as Jody points out if you want to use the logo you've
shown as the tagline - like the blue text in
Then that also might be acceptable.

In terms of the materials governing the use of the logos, I think we
just haven't gotten around to writing them up the same way the old logo
had usage guidance. There are also some proposed alternate color schemes
that came from the artists who we paid to make the new marketing
materials. Of Course that may partly have to do with this unanswered
question of how to handle chapter logos.


Jody Garnett wrote:
> We are kind of in limbo right now ...
> - the origional logo has a very good use guideline
> - the new logo has nothing (it does use a specific colour of blue for
> use under the OSGeo (for "project", "committee" etc...)
> - the new marketing materials ignore all of this and place the logo
> ontop of a complicated background
> With this in mind I would not have a problem with you using your
> special color of orange for the tagline; but would like to make sure
> that word "OSGeo" remains in its traditional color (if that is even
> part of your logo). Do you have a sample that you could email the
> list?
> Jody
> On Tue, Jun 2, 2009 at 10:52 PM, Marco Lechner - FOSSGIS e.V.
> <marco.lechner at fossgis.de> wrote:
>> Dear marketing-committee, dear Tyler and Arnulf,
>> referencing the meeting of the marketing-committee from january ([1-4])
>> the FOSSGIS e.V. who represents german language OSGeo local chapter
>> D-A-CH created a new logo for the FOSSGIS association itself including
>> the function of representing OSGeo in the german language countries.
>> IMHO the guidelines for local chapters are still not fixed and that
>> brings us in a little problem. Unlike the other local chapters we had to
>> change the colors of the OSGeo-Logo elements to fit our logo [0]. The
>> main color of the FOSSGIS/OSGeo D-A-CH is a specific orange, referencing
>> on the big and significant FOSSGIS-conference hosted by OSGeo lc D-A-CH
>> since years (even before FOSSGIS e.V. officially became an OSGeo local
>> chapter). The logo of the OSGeo lc D-A-CH was chosen by a contest and
>> therfore came out to be integrative - bringing together the tradition of
>> FOSSGIS e.V. (fka GAV e.V.), OSGeo and the FOSSGIS-conference. the whole
>> contest was transparent all the time and surely tracked by Arnulf and
>> other german OSGeo activists.
>> Before we start producing a bunch of marketing stuff (banners, roll-ups,
>> flyers, ...) I want to be clear that the usage of the logo will be
>> declared compatible with our function of representing the OSGeo in D, A
>> & CH.
>> An early reply will oblige
>> Marco Lechner
>> Marketing-Committee OSGeo lc D-A-CH
>> Vizepresident FOSSGIS e.V.
>> [0] http://www.fossgis.de/w/images/e/e8/FOSSGIS_RGB_200x680.png
>> [1] http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Marketing_Meeting_2009.01.15#Agenda
>> [2] http://logs.qgis.org/osgeo/%23osgeo.2009-01-14.log
>> [3] http://lists.osgeo.org/pipermail/marketing/2009-January/002104.html
>> [4] http://lists.osgeo.org/pipermail/marketing/2009-January/002129.html
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