[Marketing] Re: OSGeo sponsorship/participation in WhereCampEU

Jo Cook j.cook at oxfordarch.co.uk
Tue Feb 9 12:16:47 EST 2010

Hi Alex,

All very good points. I've put a call out on the OSGeo UK mailing list to
see who else apart from me is attending- I will ensure I wear my OSGeo


Alex Mandel-2 wrote:
> I guess the question is if we are at the point where we have enough
> funds to sponsor an event as pure advertising. Looking at my shirt from
> WhereCamp last year and the list of sponsors for this event, they are
> all for-profit companies or government. While I do see the benefit for
> us I'm just not sure we have the budget for an event like this.
> One question is how many OSGeo related folks do we think will be at the
> event anyways that could help talk to people about OSGeo (informally of
> course based on the nature of the event) and could we just send them
> some materials (pins or something of the sort).
> It is a good target audience, though small in comparison to spending the
> same amount for a week long presence at a big conference.
> The bigger question is about our marketing strategy and if sponsorship
> of events works for us on our current budget (probably not) but I
> wouldn't rule it out down the line.
> Anyone have a sense of if the local UK sponsors we do have would think
> this a good use of funds?
> Alex

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