[Marketing] Event listing

Tyler Mitchell tmitchell at osgeo.org
Fri Oct 29 14:37:14 EDT 2010

On 2010-10-29, at 11:30 AM, Frank Warmerdam wrote:
>>> And what is the process for adding events to the RSS feed source? I can add some items.
> I would note that the number of people posting is deliberately kept modest
> to ensure some degree of consistency.  If you would like to be news editor,
> I'd be pleased to step down.  I've been less than proactive in the role.
> A motion to WebCom would likely be appropriate.  Likewise, non-trivial
> changes in how the news queue works should likely be discussed at least
> briefly on webcom.

Just realised too, that I used the existing events listing and tools as an example.  But, Cameron, keep in mind that I could clone the current functionality that is used and twist to match any needs for the marketing committee, etc. and not touch the current process in the end.

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