[Marketing] MOTION: Fund exhibition pack for OSGeo.nl

Alex Mandel tech_dev at wildintellect.com
Thu Apr 5 12:26:28 EDT 2012

On 04/05/2012 06:40 AM, Seven (aka Arnulf) wrote:
> Marketeers,
> please discuss the following motion or vote directly if you are in
> favor. Given the easter break the vote will be open for a week from now.
> Motion:
> I herewith motion to allocate US$ 1200,- from Marketing funds to be
> used by the OSGeo.nl Local Chapter to acquire exhibition material. The
> OSGeo Exhibition Pack [1] is a good list of what might make sense but
> OSGeo.nl is not bound to this list and can spend this money on their
> own discretion.
> Best regards,
> Arnulf.
> [1] http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Exhibition_Pack
> PS:
> This is also a check for vital signs of this committee.

I am in favor of allocating some funds but I'd like to see the list of
items and estimates because the current estimate seems high. It sounds
like they really need a table cover and pop-up banner which should only
be ~ $400-600 US. If it was closer to that amount I'd be more willing,

Maybe some others in the region can help find reasonably priced
retailers of the products needed.

FYI, I'm removing/moving literature stand from the Exhibition pack list
as it turns on that a $20 plastic sorter that sits on the table is just
as good for the amount of materials at a typical booth.


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