[Marketing] First Latin American Conference of Free and Open Source GIS

Cameron Shorter cameron.shorter at gmail.com
Mon Jul 16 18:19:22 PDT 2012

Maria, with your permission, I'm expanding my response to include the 
marketing and conference email lists.

A question which I'd like to address as a separate thread is the 
development of guidelines to answer these standard questions, which I 
suggest can be included in the proposed FOSS4G Cookbook.

Answers to questions inline:

On 17/07/2012 5:09 AM, maria.brovelli at diiar-topo.polimi.it wrote:
> Dear Cameron
> I'm writing  to discuss with you the initiative of First Latin Amrican 
> Conference of Free and Opens Source (already presented in the 
> discussion list and discussed in the last Board meeting).
> Premises are that the conference will be organized by ESPOL, Ecuador, 
> with the help of Politecnico di Milano (me and my researchers) and 
> OSGeo Es (Mauricio Miranda an others) and the sponsorship of Risk 
> Management Ministry of Ecuador.  Some members of OSGeo already agreed 
> on being members of the Scientific Commitee of the Conference (for 
> instance Arnulf Christl). Below the current list of members of the 
> Scientific Committeee. The event is not an OSGeo conference but the 
> sponsorship of OSGeo is welcome.
> If OSGeo wants to support the initiative because that initiative could 
> be interesting for improving knowledge and usage of FOSS4G solutions 
> in Latin America, in my opinion three possibilities can be taken into 
> account:
> 1) OSGeo makes available the logo and monitor the event through people 
> involved in the Scientific Commitee and OSGeo Es (sponsorisation with 
> no economical involvement). OSGeo proposes other people to be inserted 
> in the Scientific Commitee.

I'm answering this question in my role as chair of the OSGeo Marketing 
I'm not aware of clear guidelines regarding whether a conference is 
allowed to make use of the OSGeo logo, and at some point we should 
create such guidelines.

However, as you describe this conference as an Open Source conference, 
which will include a geospatial focus, I believe that it is appropriate 
to make use of the OSGeo logo.
Should someone on the marketing committee disagree with this call, then 
please speak up within the next 24 hours.

Maria, if there are no objections within 24 hours, then consider this 
email as approval to make use of the OSGeo logo on your website.
> 2) OSGeo runs a booth at the Conference, providing materials and 
> people to stay at the booth. The space for the booth is free of charge.

You are welcome to set up an OSGeo booth. I'm assuming you will be able 
someone to coordinate and attend the booth?
Note that local chapters can request funding from OSGeo to build up the 
non-consumable items of an OSGeo Exhibition pack:

You can send a request to the OSGeo Marketing committee for this.

> 3) OSGeo sends someone at the Conference, who presents OSGeo to the 
> floor.  That person can make the presentation and run the booth

You may approach potential speakers for this.
Keynote speakers are usually either drawn from existing attendees (no 
cost to conference) or the conference budget covers the travel expenses 
of the keynote speaker.

You can look for potential speakers here:

> In few days the Conference website will be ready and therefore it is 
> important for us at least to know if the hypothesis 1 is suitable.
> Obviously hypotheses 2 and 3 are stronger and OSGeo visibility is more 
> evident.
> Our desire is to have Arnulf in Ecuador (if he has time to do that and 
> OSGeo supports  its travel) because he is fluent in Spanish and for 
> sure representative for OSGeo.
> Let us know how OSGeo can contribute to our initiative, please.
> Many thanks in advance!!!
> Cheers.
> Maria
> Scientific Committee
> Maria Antonia Brovelli, Politecnico di Milano, Italy 
> maria.brovelli at polimi.it
> Songnian Li, Ryerson University, Canada    snli at ryerson.ca
> Venkatesh Raghavan, Osaka City University, Japan 
> raghavan at media.osaka-cu.ac.jp
> Bert Veenendaal, Curtin University of Technology, Australia 
> B.Veenendaal at exchange.curtin.edu.au
> Suzana Dragicevic, Simon Frasier University, Burnaby, BC, Canada    
> suzanad at sfu.ca
> Rafael Moreno, University of Colorado Denver, US 
> Rafael.Moreno at ucdenver.edu
> Gustavo Barrantes, Universidad Nacional de Costa Rica (UNA) 
> gbarrantes at gmail.com
> Bernard Herrera,  Universidad Autonoma Chapingo, Mexico 
> hh_bernard at hotmail.com
> Helena Mitasova, North Carolina State University, US 
> helena_mitasova at ncsu.edu
> Suchith Anand, University of Nottingham, UK 
> Suchith.Anand at nottingham.ac.uk
> Massimiliano Cannata, Istituto Scienze della Terra, Switzerland 
> massimiliano.cannata at supsi.ch
> Arnulf Christl, President OSGeo, Germany    arnulf at osgeo.org
> Patrick Hogan, NASA World Wind, US    patrick.hogan at nasa.gov
> Vasile Crăciunescu, Romanian National Meteorological 
> Administration, Bucharest Romania    vasile at geo-spatial.org
> Serena Coetzee, University of Pretoria, South Africa 
> serena.coetzee at up.ac.za
> Carolina Arias Munoz, University of San Buenaventura, Medellin, 
> Colombia    krolinarias at gmail.com
> Victor Olaya, Universidad de Extremadura, Spain    volaya @unex.es
> Giorgio Zamboni, Politecnico di Milano, Italy giorgio.zamboni at polimi.it
> Jeff McKenna, Gateway Geomatics, Nova Scotia, Canada 
> jmckenna at gatewaygeomatics.com
> Gabriel Roldan,  OpenGeo, Argentina    groldan at opengeo.org
> Jose Gomes, University of Coimbra, Portugal    jgs9666 at gmail.com
> Luis Bermudez, OGC    lbermudez at opengeospatial.org
> Mauricio Miranda, OSGeo Spanish Chapter    mmiranda at osgeo.org
> ----------------------------------------------------------------
> This message was sent using IMP, the Internet Messaging Program.

Cameron Shorter
Geospatial Solutions Manager
Tel: +61 (0)2 8570 5050
Mob: +61 (0)419 142 254

Think Globally, Fix Locally
Geospatial Solutions enhanced with Open Standards and Open Source

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