[Marketing] PDX request for Exhibition Pack and OSGeo Live DVD and USB funds - proposal for voting

Cameron Shorter cameron.shorter at gmail.com
Fri Apr 26 14:26:59 PDT 2013

OSGeo Marketing:
I propose we approve the spending of up to:
$100 for consumables
$200 for non consumables

+1 from me.

As you deadline is fast approaching, I'll make a call as Marketing chair 
on what is in and out of scope based on what I think we can afford if 
applied to all expected requests for funding:

As you have explained, this conference definitely qualifies as an event 
promoting OSGeo in that OSGeo is being provided a booth for free, and 
speaking slots on OSGeo topics.

Also, there doesn't seem to be direct matching funds for printing costs, 
so I suggest OSGeo should pay: ($2 per DVD) * (10% * 400 delegates) + 
($20 to round up) = $100. You may use this for printing of DVDs or USBs 
or printed material. Your choice.

For non consumable items, a table runner is not covered (we suggest 
using a simple table cloth from home instead). Shirts and literature 
stand is covered. I'm comfortable with approving $200 toward 
non-consumables (as I you explain that your chapter has spent $300 of 
your $500).

On 26/04/13 07:44, Eli Adam wrote:
> Cameron and Outreach committee,
> On Thu, Apr 25, 2013 at 2:03 PM, Daniel Morissette 
> <dmorissette at mapgears.com <mailto:dmorissette at mapgears.com>> wrote:
>     Hi Cameron, and All,
>     FYI the 30$ is for wire fees which is the preferred method for
>     international payments.
>     For payments in USA and Canada which would the the case for PDX
>     then I can mail a check and the cost is more in the range of 2$
>     (stamp + check costs).
>     Daniel
>     On 13-04-25 4:55 PM, Cameron Shorter wrote:
>         Eli,
>         Great to see you pushing this forward. I see that you have a
>         very tight
>         timeline and at the moment, the OSGeo Marketing Committee hasn't
>         resolved our issue of micro payments. (It costs OSGeo $30 to
>         make a
>         payment).
>         We have an outstanding proposal that funding can be requested
>         for $2 DVD
>         for 10% of attendees, for legitimate events. (That would be
>         $80 for
>         consumables).
>         More can be requested if you have matching funding. Do you have a
>         co-sponsor?
>         http://lists.osgeo.org/pipermail/marketing/2013-March/002929.html
> The GIS In Action conference is co-sponsoring to the extent of a 
> complimentary booth that would otherwise cost $450.  We are also 
> getting space the following day for the PDX-OSGeo unconference (I'm 
> not exactly sure how that is being sponsored).  The general sentiment 
> was that branded USBs make a better impression than DVDs. If we count 
> booth and unconference space sponsorship, then we could get to some 
> number like $80+match-to-booth-and-unconference-space and spend it on 
> USBs.  I know that may be stretching the intended 'matching funding' 
> definition.
>         A legitimate event would be one which has been given an OSGeo
>         Booth,
>         and/or has someone presenting on OSGeo projects. Does this
>         conference
>         qualify?
> We have a booth, PDX-OSGeo members will be presenting on a variety of 
> projects covering at least QGIS, OpenLayers, and others.  PDX-OSGeo 
> members were also involved in the conference planning so that there is 
> a substantial Open Source track.  Also, there is an PDX-OSGeo 
> unconference the following day.  Yes, it qualifies.
>         We could also pay up to $500 once off payment for
>         non-consumables for a
>         local chapter.
>         http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Exhibition_Pack
>         We haven't discussed top ups, maybe $50 to $100 would be in order.
> We have what I call an OSGeo 'pop up banner' (I think this is the same 
> thing as a 'top up').  To complete the Exhibition pack we would need 
> some shirts and a table runner (maybe a table cloth too).  I think 
> that our pop up banner might have used about $300 of the $500 but am 
> not sure how that actually panned out.
>         In parallel with this email thread, I'd like to rekindle our
>         discussion
>         and set a final policy for determining how the OSGeo Marketing
>         committee
>         should hand out our $10K budget.
> Great idea.
> Thanks, Eli
>         On 25/04/2013 7:09 AM, Eli Adam wrote:
>             The PDX-OSGeo chapter will have a booth at the upcoming (April
>             30th-May 1) GIS In Action conference in Portland, Oregon
>             (a $450
>             in-kind contribution from the conference). We would like
>             to distribute
>             OSGeo Live on USBs and DVDs. There will be roughly 400
>             conference
>             attendees.
>             We already have a pop-up banner but need a table runner
>             with OSGeo
>             logo, OSGeo shirts, and OSGeo Live USBs and DVDs.  We are also
>             interested in printed material about OSGeo projects and
>             OSGeo, that I
>             think is more an issue of the files than the printing
>             (since someone
>             will probably provide printing).
>             Any recommendations for a source for the table runner? Is
>             the OSGeo
>             cafepress store the source for shirts?  What is the best
>             source for
>             the DVDs (is it already available at some vendors)?
>             Branders.com has been recommended as one source for USBs
>             with printed
>             logos,  It appears as if 50 4GB drives with logo would
>             cost roughly
>             $450.  Are there other recommendations for USB sources?
>              Any that have
>             a good track record for bootable USBs?
>             Other than writing this list, what is the process to
>             request marketing
>             funds?
>             Thanks, Eli
>             _______________________________________________
>             Marketing mailing list
>             Marketing at lists.osgeo.org <mailto:Marketing at lists.osgeo.org>
>             http://lists.osgeo.org/mailman/listinfo/marketing
>         --
>         Cameron Shorter
>         Geospatial Solutions Manager
>         Tel: +61 (0)2 8570 5050
>         Mob: +61 (0)419 142 254
>         Think Globally, Fix Locally
>         Geospatial Solutions enhanced with Open Standards and Open Source
>         http://www.lisasoft.com
>     -- 
>     Daniel Morissette
>     http://www.mapgears.com/
>     Provider of Professional MapServer Support since 2000

Cameron Shorter
Geospatial Solutions Manager
Tel: +61 (0)2 8570 5050
Mob: +61 (0)419 142 254

Think Globally, Fix Locally
Geospatial Solutions enhanced with Open Standards and Open Source

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