[Marketing] visitor journey meeting (all hands on deck)

Jody Garnett jody.garnett at gmail.com
Wed Apr 26 10:06:13 PDT 2017

We can break that out, we had it as GIS Professional earlier - but I think
we miss that 90% market share (and the important part of reaching out to
ESRI users using language they are familiar with). Add a column for GIS
professional if you like can we can see how it goes. The rest of your email
does not make much sense to me (since I lack the experience you have) -
which is all the more reason for you to dive in!

We need to set up a meeting, I am hoping for later in the week, early next
week. When are you available?

Jody Garnett

On 26 April 2017 at 09:50, Gert-Jan van der Weijden - Stichting OSGeo.nl <
gert-jan at osgeo.nl> wrote:

> Jody, others,
> After reading the Google sheet I think we miss a few audiences:
> 1. I'd extend the "Esri GIS Professional" to "GIS Professional" in
> general, for 2 reasons:
> One reason is that there's more in life than ArcGIS and open source: think
> of Mapinfo, Smallworld, Geomedia and others (with by the way a very
> different range of companies and ecosystems behind them; Esri does both
> internationally and locally a great job in creating and maintaining their
> own, large ecosystem
> The other reason is that it's good to keep our FOSS4G users "within the
> family", keeping existing user informed on new exiting possibilities
> prevents them from switching to ArcGIS or other proprietary products
> 2. GIS professionals come in 2 main flavours
> a. Geo-ICT professionals, with focus on the technical side.
> b. End-users of GIS software for a specific purpose, with a more business
> oriented goal in mind ("business" as specific work to carry out)
> I think they require different messages, and perhaps different channels
> 3. GIS/Geo-ICT consultants.
> Those beautiful people with a broad insight in both open source and
> proprietary software for geospatial, and who use their overwhelming
> knowledge to advise others (private companies as well as government
> agencies) as in setting up and maintaining a GIS
> Kind regards,
> Gert-Jan (Geo-ICT consultant)
> *Van:* Marketing [mailto:marketing-bounces at lists.osgeo.org] *Namens *Jody
> Garnett
> *Verzonden:* woensdag 26 april 2017 18:21
> *Aan:* OSGeo Marketing
> *Onderwerp:* [Marketing] visitor journey meeting (all hands on deck)
> We have an action item to update the visitor journey document, this is
> currently delaying further work on website wireframes.
> I spent a lot of today's meeting getting clarifications about intent
> (since some of the marketing language  is unfamiliar to me and I did not
> want to do the wrong thing). I expect that Get Interactive has had the same
> meeting sequentially with Marc, Jeffrey Johnson, and now myself :)
> Jeffrey you hand an on-boarding meeting scheduled for May 2nd for our new
> volunteers - can I hijack that to work on this document (since this is
> literally why we need new volunteers)?
> * Visitor Journey OSGeo v1
> <https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1KX8Li3DMP5nbrE2QZyw23pAhDzVxsCoQ3x1-XwD_w60/edit?usp=drive_web>*
> --
> Jody Garnett
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