[Marketing] Coordinate on last moment Letter Information Sheets

Luca Delucchi lucadeluge at gmail.com
Fri Aug 11 07:14:57 PDT 2017

On 11 August 2017 at 16:01, Jody Garnett <jody.garnett at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> - I had hoped people would provide pull requests (so we could review and
>>> provide feedback)
>> me too, but most of them are sending svg/sla/pdf via mail
> Can you be kind and create pull requests for them? It is sometimes hard for
> people not experienced with git.

yes, I upload all the sheets in my fork. do you want also the pdf file
for each sheet?

>>> - All of them are making the same background graphics mistake :)
>> which background  mistake?
> The background gray triangles are design components of the OSGeo compass
> logo. This makes sense for the OSGeo information sheet.
> When switching to a project information sheet with its own logo, we should
> take design components of the project logo and use them as light gray in the
> background.
> The idea is that from six feet away you can see the faded project logo, but
> when you are close it is light enough it does not get in the way of reading.
> I know this was not clear because of the two examples we used to start out
> with; and now we have seen it so much we probably like the gray triangles.

ah ok, I also didn't understand completely this... however now it is a
little bit late to change all the sheets



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