[Marketing] OSGeo project flyer in svg format

Jody Garnett jody.garnett at gmail.com
Thu Aug 31 00:08:27 PDT 2017

Note we have not yet received the completed indesign files (which would be
used to produce the SVG), as we complete the contract here the deliverables
will be provided.

We have not yet desided on SVG, based on our experience with InkScape it
does not seem like the best approach. The projects that used Scribus was
easier to manage. What do you think?

We will need to determine a good strategy for organizing the repository to
account for languages; one disadvantage we had last time was the
translations getting out of date. Do you have any example organizations you
would like to recommend?

Jody Garnett

On 30 August 2017 at 23:16, Astrid Emde (OSGeo) <astrid_emde at osgeo.org>

> Hello,
> at the moment we are translating the project flyer to german.
> svg files
> ----------
> To do this we need the flyer in svg format. GRASS is missing as svg f.e.
> Could you please provide svg for all flyer on github?
> Some are missing. Who can do this? How is the workflow?
> Documentation of the workflow
> --------------------------------
> Can we provide more information about the workflow (install fonts, how to
> edit files, how to name them). Lot of the information was shared via
> mailinglist. Or is it already documented somewhere?
> Maybe in the https://github.com/OSGeo/osgeo/blob/master/marketing/README.
> md
> Or in a README in subfolder https://github.com/OSGeo/osgeo
> /blob/master/marketing/print/README.md
> Where can we push the de version?
> ----------------------------------
> We would like to push the de versions of the flyer to github too. Is there
> already a structure? Can we put them somewhere temporary?
> Astrid
> --
> Astrid Emde
> Charter Member
> Open Source Geospatial Foundation
> http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/User:Astrid_Emde
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