[Marketing] Component 3: Print Marketing Collateral Creation Review and Sign-off

Pim Tebbens p.tebbens at getinteractive.nl
Tue Sep 12 13:39:55 PDT 2017

Hi Jody,

I'm sorry, I was a little bit too fast with responding without reading the
complete mail (been a long day and all). I'll double check the files
tomorrow and see if they are all okey. I suspect there are some
compatibility problems with the different software being used for editing
the collateral files.

With regards,
Pim Tebbens

+31 (0)30 60 808 48
p.tebbens at getinteractive.nl



Dorpsstraat 50, 3433 CM Nieuwegein

*Op dit e-mailbericht zijn de Algemene voorwaarden van Get Interactive van
toepassing.Deze kunt u terug vinden op onze
website http://www.getinteractive.nl/algemene-voorwaarden/

2017-09-12 21:02 GMT+02:00 Jody Garnett <jody.garnett at gmail.com>:

> Thanks Pim, that is what I was reviewing.
> I have not tried editing EPS files (some of the ones I tried to edit in
> August showed up with each character as its own seperate shape). I am happy
> to try again :)
> And yes we can go through the list in tomorrows meeting, we may also wish
> to check when Astrid as she is unable to join us during that weekly meeting
> timeslot.
> --
> Jody Garnett
> On 12 September 2017 at 11:52, Pim Tebbens <p.tebbens at getinteractive.nl>
> wrote:
>> Hi Jody,
>> Did you check Google Spreadsheet list? I've put the links to the files
>> there. The one page info sheets and brochure A4 and Letter size are
>> provided. The eps files I provided should be editable, I made those in
>> Adobe Illustrator. One page content files don't need a dtp programs like
>> InDesign. Brochure needs a program like InDesign or for instance a program
>> like Scribus. Let go through the list during the meeting tomorrow.
>> With regards,
>> Pim Tebbens
>> Op 12 sep. 2017 om 20:29 heeft Jody Garnett <jody.garnett at gmail.com> het
>> volgende geschreven:
>> Okay folks it is show time, please see tab-3 for the *"Component 3:
>> Print Marketing Collateral Creation":*
>> *​ OSGeo - Project Delivery Sign-off
>> <https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1RItHzHM4Ltl5UiWSH_LQRPetQdMD4sQa9LX_tYG5IpQ/edit?usp=drive_web>​*
>> Tab-3 provides a list of deliverables from the contract along with links
>> to the google drive files, provided.
>> Just so we stay on task here is the description of component 3:
>> *This activity involves creating print ready artwork (in ps, svg, psd
>> etcetera as required) using the vector material created for Component 1, to
>> be used to promote the foundation, its projects, initiatives and activities
>> at events or distributed to educational institutions and other
>> organizations for outreach. These materials are intended to provide easily
>> digestible information about what OSGeo is and how it is relevant for GIS
>> practitioners who may not be familiar with Open Source. These collateral
>> items should be able to be modified and adapted by local organizations for
>> their own purposes and in their own languages. The intention is that a
>> local organization could download a packet of print ready artwork, modify
>> it for their event or activity and send them to a local printer for
>> production so should be in standard international sizes for ease of use.*
>> Going over the list of links provided I notice some inconsistencies;
>> think we are going to need to spend a bit of time hunting things down.
>>    - Letterhead / biz cards provided as EPS, not a template
>>    - Multi Page Brouchure A4 provided, not the most up to date Letter
>>    used for Boston
>>    - One Page Info - A4 provided, not Letter
>>    - Project - we have many examples
>>       - Foundation - we have a good a4 and letter example
>>       - Local Organization / Lab - we did not do one of these
>>       - Event - we wrote up text for foss4g but did not apply to template
>>       - Initiative - geoforall used as an example
>>       - Others? - we used osgeo-live as an example (is it a project or
>>       initiative? it is an other ...)
>>    - Flyers - we did not do this one, EPS provided but not template
>>       - we used a one page osgeo handout instead due to printing cost
>>    - Printed Documentation Templates - this is pending
>>    - Booth Materials
>>       - Roll up banners - we have several examples spread over google
>>       drive folders
>>       - Back panel posters - eps provided, looks a bit dated, text
>>       inconsistent
>>       - Tablecloths - not sure we printed this one, EPS provided
>>       - Buttons, magnets, stickers - we have several examples spread
>>       over google drive folders and email
>>    - Horizontal banners - pim just provided now , not quite sure how
>>    these are used :)
>>    - Outdoor signage - not provided, folder contains examples of how it
>>    looks not the actual sign
>>    - T-Shirt template - pdf provided, so not editable
>>    - Social media profile assets - provided, we have inconsistent sizing
>>    to consider between facebook, twitter, linkedin
>> The big theme is locating the content produced, for content that has been
>> provided we often have it spread across several locations we need to gather
>> up. In a few cases we only have a final PDF or EPS file.
>> 1) shared google drive folder used for this project
>>>>  Collateral
>> <https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B08AjQ2hqLipNGpMQ1ZuUU4wYlk>
>>>> 2) delivery of large files via file transfer, and then staged in google
>> drive print-ready folder for foss4ge and foss4g events
>>>>  print-ready
>> <https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B022m344wU7hZVJ2YkJYX3FkQkE>
>>>> 3) github for files that have been reviewed and are shared with the
>> community (in several cases these were not print-ready due to file size)
>> https://github.com/OSGeo/osgeo/tree/master/marketing/print
>> For content that needs to be adapted (such as letterhead or biz cards) I
>> expect a template (indesign or whatever was used). Our community members
>> have already shown the ability to migrate to scribus (or purchase indesign)
>> as required.
>> --
>> Jody Garnett
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