[Marketing] Website review

Cameron Shorter cameron.shorter at gmail.com
Tue May 1 04:48:38 PDT 2018

I'll add that we have lost the contents of the extensive list of OSGeo 
Advocates we had at: https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/OSGeo_Advocate

And as per a prior email thread, our OSGeo Incubation processes are now 
hard to find and not linked into the main docs.

On 28/4/18 1:55 am, Jody Garnett wrote:
> For functionality issues we do have some support from get interactive 
> for the first year. I think the search not working would be worth 
> following up on.
> For new features we have some budget, currently the GeoForAll 
> committee is working with get interactive to migrate some of their 
> resources from the previous website.
> The biggest feature I am missing is the ability to "link" to the 
> results of filters - this is holding up the ability have a list of 
> voting members.
> Some good direction from the board and CRO is to:
> a) Use LDAP for the wiki, so everyone can use the same OSGEO userid 
> for the website and wiki. This should help with profiles.
> b) The use of the members list to manage voting members, since the 
> list has gotten too long for CRO to track
> --
> Jody Garnett
> On Fri, 27 Apr 2018 at 07:59, Steven Feldman <shfeldman at gmail.com 
> <mailto:shfeldman at gmail.com>> wrote:
>     A quick scan of the web site suggests that multiple content
>     creators are possibly a source of inconsistency in the way we do
>     things.
>     For example - on the resources tab we have an enormous number of
>     pdfs uploaded by geo for all, this is going to get out of control
>     unless we offer better filtering and some archiving. The search
>     and filter don’t seem to work for me but that might be a safari
>     thing (don’t have time to test with another browser right now).
>     Alternatively we could encourage them to host their newsletters on
>     their web site and just provide one link in the resources section
>     of the OSGeo web site
>     Initiatives seem to be proliferating (I acknowledge my own small
>     bit of responsibility here) - that may be a great thing but should
>     someone be deciding what constitutes an initiative that should
>     appear on the web site? Maybe the marketing committee does do this?
>     Member bios are inconsistent, some do not have photos some do not
>     have any content apart from a couple of ticks in projects e.g.
>     https://www.osgeo.org/member/pawley/.
>     The member search also returns some unexpected results e.g. Jo
>     Cook, Ian Turton and Matt Walker (friends and colleagues of mine)
>     all have Astun Technology in their bios and under the ‘company’
>     field, I have Astun Technology in bio:
>       * if you search for Astun only Jo’s name is returned
>       * If you search for Astun Technology none of our names are returned
>     The service providers section shows 9 logos on the first page
>     (with loads of follow on pages- it appears that these first 9 are
>     not randomly selected, this could cause some upset. Filtering by
>     location takes you to a nightmare dropdown which IMO needs
>     cleaning up. Surely the location filter should be at country level
>     or perhaps in the US at state but not at individual towns/cities
>     where people are located?
>     There is a lot of news being posted which is great but it appears
>     in 9 large blocks with 63 follow on pages! Perhaps we need to look
>     at a way of presenting more news items on the front page and also
>     a way of accessing past news by having a date filter or selector?
>     Are there any criteria as to what constitutes OSGeo news
>     (community and foundation) and who can post?
>     Nothing disastrous in these observations but perhaps an indication
>     of how the site could become unwieldy and inconsistent in
>     behaviour and content if we don’t try to set some policies or
>     guidelines now.
>     Cheers
>     ______
>     Steven
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Cameron Shorter
Technology Demystifier, Learnosity
Open Technologies Consultant

M +61 (0) 419 142 254

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