[Marketing] OSGeo Website survey delivery to participants

Jorge Sanz jsanz at osgeo.org
Wed May 15 02:43:44 PDT 2024

Hi Scott,

First, since we migrated to discourse you should start sending your 
messages as well to marketing at osgeo.org so it goes also to the forum 
<https://discourse.osgeo.org/c/committees/marketing/46> and keep things 
synchronized. Eventually the list will be set up as read-only.

Now, about the curated list of lists, it seems fine to me. I've checked 
the lists and they all seem to have a minimum of activity so I think you 
should reach the correct people. I added a column with this subjective info.

If the feedback is not enough we can always aim for the whole Charter 
Membership <https://lists.osgeo.org/mailman/listinfo/charter-members> 
(482 people).


On 2024-05-15 2:10, Scott McHale via Marketing wrote:
> Hey, team,
> Can you please sanity check this work for me?
> Here’s the link to a sheet I’ve been using to track down addresses for 
> delivery of the survey. 
> https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1mrc91mwh3BDxxS7jzCktv4KPHdFQZK-Rasc_5tGkWNk/edit?usp=sharing
> For whatever reason, I was thinking I would be able to drill down to 
> the contact info (I was thinking email addresses) for the current 
> individual Board/Committee members and Projects Officers. I am not 
> finding a way to do this. I’d resigned myself to using Committee 
> mailing list addresses and I think I’ve tracked all of the committee 
> addresses down. Please let me know if this will be hitting too many 
> people (I’m not sure how large the audiences are for each).
> I’d then resigned myself to possibly needing to use the mailing list 
> for each project but, there are multiples for many of them. Also, I’d 
> forgotten there was a list of mailing lists, so I was making my way 
> through the project pages to get to them. I was all the way down to 
> PROJ before realizing there was a list for Projects Officers. (!!)
> Maybe it’s me but finding some of the information on this site 
> sometimes feels like getting papercuts on your eyeballs.
> I’ve stopped populating Projects list addresses in favor of the 
> Project Officers address.
> My question is, essentially, will the addresses on rows 1-14 hit all 
> the people I need to hit for the survey while also not hitting too 
> many. I’m not super-fussed if it’s a lot of people. I just want to get 
> your sense if there will be just too darn many.
> Please let me know your thoughts.
> Thanks, folks,
> Scott.
> *Scott McHale *
> *industryus***
> *M**403.970.7640*
> *LinkedIn <https://www.linkedin.com/in/scottmchale/>*
> *Twitter <https://twitter.com/ScottMchale>*
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Jorge Sanz |https://www.osgeo.org/member/jorge-sanz/
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