[MetaCRS] 'FOSS Maintained' Source of CRS Definitions

Arnulf Christl arnulf.christl at wheregroup.com
Thu May 8 03:22:16 EDT 2008

On Wed, May 7, 2008 18:10, Howard Butler wrote:

> On May 7, 2008, at 8:01 AM, Mike Adair wrote:
>> I'm thinking we should approach Chris Schmidt/Howard Butler about
>> their http://spatialreference.org site for this.  This provides a RESTful
>> service for looking up the definitions, returns the definitions in
>> various formats, includes the EPSG database and allows for user-uploaded
>> definitions too.  Proj4js uses this service for run-time lookup of the
>> definitions.
>> I know that OSGeo is not about running operational services like
>> this, we could ensure continued operation of that service.
> I can't speak for Chris, but I would like to see
> http://spatialreference.org
> play a part of the MetaCRS effort.  I currently host this on my own server,
> but if availability were to become an issue, or I wouldn't have any more
> time to keep it alive, or MetaCRS would like to use it as a centerpiece, I
> would transfer it to OSGeo (I have stated this before in a couple of
> forums, I believe).  We could then find resources to keep its heart
> beating.
> I think something like http://spatialreference.org can play a key role
> in MetaCRS's problem of common dictionary creation and maintenance. In my
> mind, common dictionaries is the juiciest problem MetaCRS can tackle, and
> sr.org is one of a multi-pronged approach at tackling it.
> On May 7, 2008, at 9:42 AM, Landon Blake wrote:
>> Your idea about contacting the maintainers of the site is an
>> interesting one. One question I had when I was browsing the site was how
>> they controlled user submission of CRS definitions. I saw a lot of these
>>  definitions with the name "test". :]
> We don't control user submissions other than to remove obvious spam
> (we've gotten a little in the past, but it hasn't been too bad).  What
> really matters for a user submission is the URL that submission ends up
> generating, not the name.
> Howard

...and as a note for the records: Hobu, Chris - thank you both for having
started http://spatialreference.org. It plays a valuable role in resolving
some of the issues around axis order confusion and helped mellow
OGP/EPSG's opposition to computing with lon/lat coordinate pairs. I am
sure that it will grow to be an excellent resource. If it helps to promote
it with the  OSGeo compass I am all in favor to support it.

Bets regards,

Arnulf Christl

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