[MetaCRS] Possible option for single CRS definition file.

Jody Garnett jgarnett at refractions.net
Thu May 8 09:32:10 PDT 2008

Landon Blake wrote:
> I remembered this morning that the deegree library uses a single XML 
> file to represent CRS definitions. This file was built from the EPSG 
> database and other sources, and is an extension of CRS definitions in 
> GML. I wonder if it is something we could use or build on.
GeoTools has a module like that as well; we use a properties file 
containing the WKT definitions of EPSG + common use codes; I think we 
originally got the list from PostGIS.

(Note this list predates Martin's change to ISO 
CoordinateReferenceSystem so you should be able to use it with the 
deegree code)

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