[MetaCRS] Motion: Promote libgeotiff 1.4.3RC2 to final release

Howard Butler howard at hobu.co
Thu Dec 13 13:02:17 PST 2018

+1 to release.

On 12/13/18 11:07 AM, Even Rouault wrote:
> Dear metacrs PSC members,
> As no issues were reported, I motion to promote libgeotiff 1.4.3RC2 to final 
> release.
> This is mostly a bug-fix release w.r.t to 1.4.2, with the upgrade of the EPSG 
> .csv files to v9.2, and the addition of GTIFNewEx() and GTIFNewWithMethodsEx() 
> functions that accept a user-provided error printing callback
> Full log of changes at 
> https://lists.osgeo.org/pipermail/geotiff/2018-December/000841.html
> This will likely be the last version of libgeotiff to use the EPSG .csv files. 
> The next version (that will come after PROJ 6 release) will rely on the PROJ 
> database for inspecting CRS and related objects from codes.
> Even

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