[Mobilitydb-dev] Help with installation of PostGIS on a brand new machine

Regina Obe lr at pcorp.us
Fri Jun 10 13:16:08 PDT 2022

FWIW PostgreSQL 12 and 2.5 are not commonly used together aside from pg_upgrade from a lower PostGIS.


So general use is install 2.5 (so that you can pg_upgrade a PostgreSQL 11 or higher to 12) and then install PostGIS 3.0 or higher.


We had backported support for 12 in 2.5 because it was a big leap (e.g. we dropped the minor in our lib file, and we split out raster from postgis extension).  So that is the only reason you see it supported in 2.5.


So really it would be 9.4-11 (for 2.5) you should consider and 11 is going to be EOL’d in November 2023 (just a year from now).



From: Vicky Vergara [mailto:vicky at georepublic.de] 
Sent: Friday, June 10, 2022 2:27 PM
To: Esteban Zimanyi <estebanzimanyi at gmail.com>
Cc: Regina Obe <lr at pcorp.us>; mobilitydb-dev at lists.osgeo.org
Subject: Re: Help with installation of PostGIS on a brand new machine


Looking around:
PostGIS 2.5 goes up to PostgreSQL 12



Trying to use PostGIS 2.5 on something above PostgreSQL 12 that I would consider it as a "use it at your own risk" situation.

The min version of a package can always be handled.

How much effort to put on MobilityDB for PostGIS 2.5 goes up to PostgreSQL 12 until the EOL of PostgreSQL 12 on November 14, 2024?


On the other hand, Using the min version of PostGIS 3.1, covers from Postgres 10 up to the postgres 14 (current)


Things that can be done:
For example, one of the reasons of creating a new repo for VRP problems is the postgres version (because of the new goodies that are used internally):
So vrprouting can not be build on postgres 11 or 10

For building vrprouting do not need PostGIS, so we do not have a min version for that one.


Note that for installing postgis the minor version is omitted on ubuntu starting from version 3.0:

The policy on doing that will depend on the packager.

For pgRouting they dont even bother to put a version



I recommend to do the following:

Start doing the work from top-bottom:

Postgres 14 + posgis 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, (no chance to use 2.5)


Postgres 13 + posgis 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, (no chance to use 2.5)


Postgres 12 + posgis 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, ...


Evaluate the effort of doing those, As you already did an effort to with postgis 2.5 for postgres12

Then decide how to continue down to postgres10.




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