[MOSS-archives] Happy new year / EGU call for submissions

Jeff McKenna jmckenna at gatewaygeomatics.com
Wed Jan 12 11:54:27 PST 2022

Hi all,

Just some updates on the MapServer DOI, in case other software teams are 
watching and wondering :

- MapServer 7.6.4 DOI has been created (this is for an older release 
from back in July) : https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.5842013

- We've been asked to generate (or "reserve") a DOI for the upcoming 
MapServer 8.0 release, which I did, so researchers can cite the 8.0 
release with the DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.5842053

- a nice feature, is that we can use a permanent link/DOI, to always 
resolve (or bounce/redirect) to the latest DOI: (notice that clicking 
this DOI redirects you to the latest MapServer release, 7.6.4 : 

But thanks to the MOSS-heritage team for pushing this along always!



> I have enabled the Zenodo/DOI/GitHub webhooks for the MapServer project 
> now, so its upcoming big 8.0 release will automatically get a DOI. 
> Great! (too bad that Zenodo cannot magically generate a DOI for an 
> existing release, as I would also like to generate one for the recent 
> MapServer 7.6.4 release)

Jeff McKenna
GatewayGeo: Developers of MS4W, MapServer Consulting and Training
co-founder of FOSS4G

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