[Newsletter] Matching Authors With Editors

Sunburned Surveyor sunburned.surveyor at gmail.com
Thu Mar 8 12:34:49 EST 2007

I see that Tim Sutton has bravely volunteered to put together a programming
tutorial for the newsletter. I've bravely volunteered as the editor for that
section, althought I don't know much about QGIS. I look forward to reading
Tom's article! I wanted to introduce myself in case we need to coordinate
anything. Tom can feel free to contact me at sunburned.surveyor at gmail.com if
I can help in any way with his article.

I also hope to put together a short introductory article on spatial
relationships and topology. I believe this article will fall under the
"topical" section. However, I don't see an editor listed for this section
yet. Who will be editing my article?


Landon (A.K.A. - The Sunburned Surveyor)
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