FW: [Journal] Volume 5 and beyond

Rafal Wawer Rafal.Wawer at sadl.kuleuven.be
Wed May 13 05:38:43 EDT 2009

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-----Original Message-----
From: Rafal Wawer 
Sent: 13 May 2009 10:53
To: 'Tyler Mitchell (OSGeo)'
Cc: OSGeo Journal
Subject: RE: [Journal] Volume 5 and beyond

Nice ot see some sporting activity in the journal mailinglist! (-;

I always wondered if the OSGeo annual reports could be kept "outside" the Journal. 
So far the Journal was mainly a container for the annual report, while the papers appeared rather rarely.
As we already streamlined the admission/review process, wouldn't it be nice to finally separate annual reports from the papers, placing the reports not in the Journal but 4ex in annals, parallel to it? The numeration of the Journal would be then given only to scientific editions. 
Now, it is quite confusing for the Journal's (potential) readers - looking for papers they mostly find OSGeo annual reports. (-;

Best regards:

-----Original Message-----
From: newsletter-bounces at lists.osgeo.org [mailto:newsletter-bounces at lists.osgeo.org] On Behalf Of Tyler Mitchell (OSGeo)
Sent: 12 May 2009 18:44
To: Venkatesh Raghavan
Cc: OSGeo Journal
Subject: Re: [Journal] Volume 5 and beyond

On 12-May-09, at 7:37 AM, Venkatesh Raghavan wrote:
> It that case we should call it OSGeo Annual Report, not "Journal Vol. 
> 5."

That's right, it will be call OSGeo 2008 Annual Report, but also Vol 5. for administrative purposes.

>> I'd like to target the next volume for publication of the contributed 
>> articles.  I also see some articles require feedback or changes from 
>> some of the authors.  We can also solicit new articles for this 
>> upcoming volume 6 and do a focused volume on community contributions.
>> Make sense?
> No.

Some authors have changes that need to be made to their articles still (based on reviewer comments), so they are not ready to publish yet.

Thank you,
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