[Journal] Changes to Volunteer Recognition Article

Sunburned Surveyor sunburned.surveyor at gmail.com
Wed May 26 16:25:32 EDT 2010

I made the requested changes to the volunteer recognition page, and
added an entry for our LaTex Ninja, which I had forgotten from the
first version. I also ordred the bio's by last name and made some file
name changes in the SVN.

I have attached another PDF for review. The PDF, ODT, and my crude
attempt at a TEX file are now being committed to the SVN.

I know my TEX file will need some work. If someone familiar with LaTex
can take a look and let me know what corrections I need to make, I'd
appreciate it.

Once we get a "build" of Volume 6 with this last article included, is
it time to line up some proofreaders of the final PDF? Can we release
in the first of June?

Thanks for all the help.

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