[Journal] Volume 11: New Preliminary Master PDF in SVN

Eli Adam eadam at co.lincoln.or.us
Sat Nov 17 10:10:46 PST 2012

I did two minor fixes (noted inline below), others still remain.


On Fri, Nov 16, 2012 at 10:24 PM, Eli Adam <eadam at co.lincoln.or.us> wrote:

> A few things still remain in this list:
> On Mon, Nov 12, 2012 at 8:28 PM, Eli Adam <eadam at co.lincoln.or.us> wrote:
>> - The news says, "You can see slides from the talks at here" which should
>> probably have a url.
>> - The author credit for Open Source Geospatial Case Study, The SurveyOS
>> Toolkit, and the editorial footnote all appear incorrect in the pdf but I'm
>> not sure how to fix it in the sla which mostly looks like it should be
>> correct.
>> - The back page is still the incorrect size.  I don't see the source file
>> so correcting it (other than cropping it with imagemagick since it is
>> already raster instead of vector) is difficult.
>> Things I didn't change but would like input on:
>> - "I'll immediately start collecting items for our 2012 Peer Review..."
>> do you mean 2013?
> Also a quick review turned up a few minor items:
> I previously changed the TOC to say "News 09" however, it was previously
> correct when it said "News 08".  It was just the page numbers which were
> incorrectly numbered which now appear correct.  I'm not at a computer
> capable of updating that right now.  Can someone change that?

I got to computer and have fixed that,

> Second page of UK report said "January 2012".  I'm not at a computer
> capable of updating that right now.  Can someone change that?

I got to computer and have fixed that,

> pycsw pdf was not updated.  Can this be updated?
> Bests, Eli
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