[Journal] Volume 11 .sla updates in svn

Eli Adam eadam at co.lincoln.or.us
Sun Sep 9 20:30:09 PDT 2012

I made some revisions to the Francophone, PDX, and deegree.sla files
in svn, https://trac.osgeo.org/osgeo/log/?action=stop_on_copy&mode=stop_on_copy&rev=9146&stop_rev=9144&limit=100

I tried to not change the Scribus version, fonts, or other details
that could make unneeded revision cruft.  I did not generate and
update the pdfs in svn (so they are out of date and no longer reflect
the .sla content).  Landon can you check the updated files and ensure
that they are still properly formatted, intact, and otherwise not
damaged by my editing and committing back to svn?

You may also want to review the content of the edits as well just to
double check.  On the deegree report, I added some missing newlines
which bumped the last item to the the next page; I'm not sure if that
makes it better or worse.

If this process is working well, I've got more copyediting to do.
Please let me know when you want me to review topical, spotlight, and
interview portions.

Thanks, Eli

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