[North America] Re: [Northamerica] North America Region Chapter motion to OSGeo BOD

Tyler Mitchell tmitchell at osgeo.org
Fri Nov 11 14:56:31 EST 2011

On 2011-11-11, at 9:31 AM, Frank Warmerdam wrote:

>> Wiki stated the intent was to organize as a 501c3, I don't think it's a bad
>> idea, but suspect it's not necessary to commit to it at this time.  It may
>> just cause more concern than benefit.  Some other existing related orgs have
>> 501c3 status and could potentially take us under their wing to simplify the
>> administrative side for us.  I'm thinking specifically of GITA or USGIF.
> I had to read the above over several times to confirm that the most
> obvious candidate was omitted - OSGeo.  I am very dubious about any
> American local chapter seeking 501(c)3 status or even incorporating
> due to the administrative overhead involved.  I don't see any reason
> that OSGeo central could not hold money for a north american conference
> or other chapter initiatives with the understanding we have to keep
> the number of transactions managable.

Hi Frank,

Yeah, I was only thinking of organisations that already have their 501c3 status 
in place, which OSGeo has not.  I agree OSGeo could hold funds for a chapter though
there has been no precedent for it so far.

>> It will help
>> clear some of the smoke that was in the air during the board meeting :)
> I'm not sure I noticed any smoke.

I'm only thinking of the many questions that came up.  It did seem there
was general support for the idea though. 


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