[Oceania-Board] AGM plan for tomorrow

Tooa Brown tooa1996 at gmail.com
Thu Dec 16 13:56:33 PST 2021

Hi Ed,

Happy to say a few words. Looking forward to meeting the rest of the board


On Thu, Dec 16, 2021 at 9:28 PM Edoardo Neerhut <eneerhut at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi all,
> Looking forward to seeing most of you tomorrow and wrapping up the year
> with the AGM. Dionne sends her apologies, but so far I assume everyone else
> is able to attend. Let me know if I assume incorrectly.
> I wanted to recap our plan for the meeting. As Jonah shared earlier, the
> high level schedule is as follows:
> 12:00 - Welcome and introductions
> 12:05 - Apologies
> 12:10 - Chair’s report
> 12:15 - Treasurer’s report
> 12:20 - Questions to Directors
> 12:25 - Acceptance of financial statements
> 12:30 - Acceptance of annual report
> 12:35 - Election of Directors
> 13:00 - Meeting close
> The meeting will broadcast on Zoom and these slides
> <https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1EzefRMDzqu93jBA8KLfXNM-SPDjSEd8zWSOCw0QCaHw/edit#slide=id.g105a54f329d_0_214>
> will be the main content shared with members and community attendees. Still
> a WIP (that's how we roll), but feel free to add anything you would like
> shared. I have a feeling we will be fine on time, but hopefully we get
> plenty of questions.
> I also have a doc here
> <https://docs.google.com/document/d/14BM7yItPjnusce8Ilq4MnT1ZZ3In5TBm6RDcLzX6yS4/edit#>
> with the agenda and minutes so that we can make sure we record the
> important business of the day.
>    1. @Ewen Hill <ewen.hill at gmail.com> Are you able to check the
>    membership register tomorrow and confirm that we have quorum?
>    2. @Jonah Sullivan <jonahsullivan79 at gmail.com> Are you able to keep an
>    eye on this and tally votes for each motion?
>    3. @Tooa Brown <tooa1996 at gmail.com>/@Tisham Dhar <tisham at whatnick.com>,
>    are you happy to say a few words about being elected to the Board? Nothing
>    fancy, just a hello and why you're excited about open source geo.
> Cheers,
> Ed
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