[Oceania-Board] [OSGeo Oceania] Draft Letter to Geospatial Council of Australia

Adam Steer adam.d.steer at gmail.com
Wed May 3 01:49:07 PDT 2023

Hey Alex

Thanks for having a go at this, a couple of suggestions suggested  -
and I think Emma's comment is great about recognising open source
contributions to all the things - just couldn't see how to work it in.

Is it possible to shy away from membership benefit discussions? OSGeo
Oceania and GCA ideas about what it means to be part of the community
are quite likely to be incompatible, I see only complications there -
the model of OSGeo / OSGeo Oceania (if you do open source things
you're already a member of the community, just say you want that
formalised in OSGeo or OSGeo Oceania both and it'll be formalised ) is
key to maintaining a diverse and vibrant community.

Also, an encouragement for everyone to take the long view on an MoU,
it might take years to create - and stay in place for years. Be
audacious, OSGeo Oceania is a first class geospatial citizen!



On Mon, 1 May 2023 at 08:56, Alex Leith <alexgleith at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hey Folks
> As discussed in the other thread about a potential MOU, I have drafted a letter here to send to Paul Digney, from GCA.
> https://docs.google.com/document/d/14CMm6zuY8ZSPmg19EK5-Br8qp3CyOTk2WMpNt8liLao/edit
> This is open for comments, so please make suggestions on this list or directly in the document. I will send the letter at the start of next week and will talk to Paul about the potential MOU at Locate.
> Kind regards,
> Alex
> --
> Alex Leith
> m: 0419189050
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