[OSGeo Oceania] OO board meeting minutes, 10 May

John Bryant johnwbryant at gmail.com
Fri May 17 17:30:25 PDT 2024

Hi all, the monthly OSGeo Oceania board meeting took place on 10 May,
predominantly focused on the Auckland bid for FOSS4G 2025. Minutes are
posted to the wiki <https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Oceania#2024> and attached
here for convenience.

You may have already seen elsewhere that the board committed to fiscal
sponsorship of the Auckland committee and endorsed the bid, which was
submitted to OSGeo (the global org, not OSGeo Oceania) on 13 May. Kudos to
Simon Nitz and all involved for their hard work!

The question & voting period is now underway, with one other bid from
Hiroshima, Japan. OSGeo  will announce the result on 31 May.

There wasn't much time left in the meeting to discuss other things, but
FOSS4G Hobart is moving along, with registrations open and a logo
competition underway.

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