[OpenDroneMap-users] Ortophotos with GoPro4 Hero Black

Simon s_mailinglist at geraschs.de
Sat Apr 18 02:04:15 PDT 2015


just add: --force-focal "x"

Where x is your choosen real focal length of the GoPro*.

The focal length EXIF Tag is not very straight forward "28.0 (35mm
film), 0.0 (lens)". This could be the reason that ODM cannot extract the

To my understanding the value should be between 9 and 11 mm.

Regards, Simon

*= https://gopro.com/support/articles/hero3-field-of-view-fov-informatio

On 04/17/2015 06:01 PM, hyances at gmail.com wrote:
> Hi!
> Few days ago aerial photos were taken using a DJI Phantom drone with a
> GoPro4 Hero Black, this for a slum mapping pilot project in Isla de Leon,
> Cartagena, Colombia.
> I'm testing OpenDroneMap but getting this error message
> http://pastie.org/10098394
> despite "GoPro HERO4 Black": 5.76 was added to ccd_defs.json.  It seems
> GoPro4 has same sensor of GoPro3, so there is no changes in the ccd value.
> Camera info says too that sensor is 1 2/3 inch and we use medium sensor
> size to avoid curved distorsion during flight.
> If want to try with pictures or video frames this could be downloaded from:
> Original photos
> https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B19WcoSjCmvnfmFXaGQ1TDVndlk3S3FmUDBxek9iUzFSM1FRWDQwblhLR1BiSnJBQmFxbTQ&authuser=0
> Flight video
> https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B19WcoSjCmvnaFZacDZoT1lxMnc&authuser=0
> The porpose is create an ortophoto and update ccd_defs.json to work with
> GoPro4.
> Thanks,
> Humberto Yances
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