[OpenDroneMap-users] ODM processing issue on 1)Ubuntu 14.04 and 2)Docker

Dakota Benjamin dmb2 at clevelandmetroparks.com
Tue May 31 06:52:26 PDT 2016

The problem you are facing is that your camera is not in the ccdWidths file. You can quickly fix that by finding your cameras sensor width (usually can be found pretty easily online) and then using "--force-ccd n" where n is the width. You can append this to the docker command.

BTW, it was a simple missing "." in your docker build, it should be "docker build -t opendronemap:latest ."

But I would recommend using the new "official" docker build:

export IMAGES=/absolute/path/to/your/project
docker run -v $IMAGES:/images opendronemap/opendronemap:latest

[http://sig.cmparks.net/cmp-ms-90x122.png]Dakota Benjamin
Geospatial Developer


From: OpenDroneMap-users <opendronemap-users-bounces at lists.osgeo.org> on behalf of Debell, Leon <ld384 at exeter.ac.uk>
Sent: Monday, May 23, 2016 11:35:32 AM
To: opendronemap-users at lists.osgeo.org
Subject: [OpenDroneMap-users] ODM processing issue on 1)Ubuntu 14.04 and 2)Docker

How do,

I've made several attempts at processing a data set using ODM on an Ubuntu 14.04 distro.

The git clone and install all went without a hitch, but when I process the images I get this error appearing;

" - source files - Mon May 23 14:25:05  2016
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/leond/OpenDroneMap/run.py", line 986, in <module>
  File "/home/leond/OpenDroneMap/run.py", line 415, in prepare_objects
    fileObject["ccd"] = float(ccdWidths[fileObject["id"]])

I've managed to circumvent this issue by using --force-focal and --force-ccd, however, the final outputs are terrible, an example would be the orthophoto only being just over a 100kb and completely pixelated. The point cloud isn't as bad but has large chunks of data missing.

I know there's nothing wrong with the data set as I have a very nice output from Agisoft. I've also ran one of the test datasets that are provided and that worked without issue.

Trying to run the build from a docker container, my first issue here is following the instructions on the wiki for a git clone docker build, I get;

" export IMAGES=/run/media/leond/PhD/ODMOptimise/
[leond at mandy OpenDroneMap]$ docker build -t opendronemap:latest
docker: "build" requires 1 argument.
See 'docker build --help'.

Usage: docker build [OPTIONS] PATH | URL | -

Build an image from a Dockerfile "

I've then tried to use the dbrgn/opendronemap docker container and I get similar to running natively on Ubuntu;

" Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/code/run.py", line 986, in <module>
  File "/code/run.py", line 415, in prepare_objects
    fileObject["ccd"] = float(ccdWidths[fileObject["id"]])

I'd also read on the mailing list about using the /tree/dev version available on git but I'm unable to clone that url.

I appreciate there's probably more than one unrelated issue here (and a couple that are). I'd really like to try and get ODM working and with usable outputs, so any advice would be welcomed.


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