[OpenLayers-Dev] KML / OWS Context support in OpenLayers

Sebastian Schmitz sebastian.schmitz at wheregroup.com
Thu Aug 2 04:08:35 EDT 2007

as stated in another thread, Mapbender wants to push KML (render and 
style) support in OpenLayers in order to integrate OpenLayers as map 
tool lib. Mapbender and TOPP should join forces. How?

To my mind, step 1 would be to support KML 2 geometries and styling in 
such a client, step2 would be to write that clients state into an 
KML/OWS Context document, right?
How would you use an integrated KML / OWS Context client without being 
able to render and style KML features?



Tim Schaub schrieb:
> Hello-
> The Open Planning Project has received OGC funding to work on an 
> integrated KML/OWS Context implementation.  Our proposal was based on 
> building this support into OpenLayers.  I will be working on this over 
> the next few months - and look forward to collaborating with other folks 
> interested in the same.
> Note that much of this work is about supporting a yet-to-be determined 
> specification that integrates KML and OWS Context (which is different 
> than getting support for KML 2, for example).
> Tim
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