[OpenLayers-Dev] animated zoom effect, layer using ka-map cache

Sébastien Roch roch.sebastien at gmail.com
Wed Aug 8 11:16:41 EDT 2007

I'm new to OpenLayers and have some experience with ka-map : I want to
migrate my application to this solution.

Some questions:
- Is it "easily" possible to code our own widget like a new layerSwitcher ?
for example a widget with a slider : dragging the slider decrease opacity of
a layer and increase opacity of another.
I made it for kaMap :
default application is here :
and customized :
http://kamap.swissgeo.ch/gastrofuhrer/index.php?lang=en(zoom to
maximum, then you can drag the slider for transparency of layers)

- I've tried the animated zooming effect (
http://trac.openlayers.org/ticket/442) : I applied the patch but didn't
succeed to make it work, the code doesn't seem to be up to date with the
actual code of OL. Is there a version up to date for this nice functionality

I'll be pleased to contribute if it's possible! I've already coded something
which can be useful for ka-map users migrating to OL, a layer class which
can use the cached tiles of ka-map.
Tell me if something like that have intersest for the community, and how I
can transmit that.

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