[OpenLayers-Dev] KML / OWS Context support in OpenLayers

Sebastian Schmitz sebastian.schmitz at wheregroup.com
Mon Aug 13 11:04:00 EDT 2007

Hi there,

I think it is important to align our KML OpenLayers efforts. We should 
exchange deliverables and check whether they match or build upon each other.

WhereGroups deliverables for Mapbender are:

   1. render basic KML geometries (KML Core)
   2. KML NetworkLink (eg to OWS registered in Mapbender portal) (KML
      Linking oder Core)
   3. basic KML styling (colors) (KML Styling)
   4. (export KML from Mapbender)

One big chunk for us will be to fully integrate OpenLayers in the first 
place and then I gather, implementing support for KML NetworkLink in OL 
will need most work. Basic rendering is partly there and should be easy 
to extend to polygons, I belive/hope. What is state of the art regarding 

We will earliest start October.

What are others (TOPP, Mapbuilder/Lisasoft)  deliverables?



Cameron Shorter schrieb:
> I'm scoping out Lisasoft's work for our KML involvement (based on 
> providing KML support for Mapbuilder) and am digging though emails, 
> twikis etc to try to bring myself up to speed.
> We are at a bit of a disadvantage in Australia in that OWS 5 Agile 
> meetings are at 3am in Sydney, and there is a limit to my dedication to 
> my work.
> It seems from the Schedule in the OWS-5_Kickoff_KML_Overview.ppt at 
> http://portal.opengeospatial.org/index.php?m=projects&a=view&project_id=241&tab=2&artifact_id=22872
> that the KML3 that we need to implement will not be available as draft 
> until October.
> Ie, it would be prudent to hold back on implementing until after 
> October, to have a draft by December.
> When are others planning to start their implementations? (I'd like to 
> align our Lisasoft's efforts as much as possible).
> Tim Schaub wrote:
>> Hello-
>> The Open Planning Project has received OGC funding to work on an 
>> integrated KML/OWS Context implementation.  Our proposal was based on 
>> building this support into OpenLayers.  I will be working on this over 
>> the next few months - and look forward to collaborating with other folks 
>> interested in the same.
>> Note that much of this work is about supporting a yet-to-be determined 
>> specification that integrates KML and OWS Context (which is different 
>> than getting support for KML 2, for example).
>> Tim
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