[OpenLayers-Dev] GoogleMercator, 900913, LonLat, fowardMercator and inverseMercator

Andrew Hughes ahhughes at gmail.com
Sun Aug 26 21:14:38 EDT 2007

Hi Guys,

I started working on test_GoogleMercator.html but thought I would ask this

With the introduction of 900913 into OpenLayers and the ability transform
to/from 4326/900913 there is nothing that stores the "state" of the
co-ordinates in a LonLat object.

Specifically, if a function/class/3rd party code is given a LonLat object it
won't know if this is 900913 or 4326.

Q: Would it be a good idea to store this information in the LonLat object?
Even if classes don't use it like it does presently.
Q: Or extend have OpenLayers.LonLatMercator inherit OpenLayers.LonLat? Then
the class's have their this information stored "automatically".

I realize that this is getting into the hey we're a client not a
re-projection library, but I feel that this state information should be
stored somewhere (which ever way).

It might also be an idea to place the inverseMercator and fowardMercator in
this class or another.. maybe even my proposed LonLat900913.js class. It's
constructor might be able to take in LonLat.js objects eta.

Sorry for the rant...
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