[OpenLayers-Dev] GML examples?

Christopher Schmidt crschmidt at metacarta.com
Tue Aug 28 10:46:14 EDT 2007

On Sun, Aug 26, 2007 at 12:55:35PM -0500, John Cole wrote:
> Christopher,
>   Try http://docs.codehaus.org/display/GEOS/Available+WMS+and+WFS+servers
>   One way I want to use OL, is to have a simple web service that makes a SQL
> call to PostGIS or MsSqlSpatial (using asGML) and have OL handle that
> output.  That might not be the correct way, but its one way I want to do it
> :-)

So, I set up a PostGIS database and asked for GML output for a couple
different geometries:

foss=> select AsGML('POLYGON((1 2, 4 5, 3 6, 1 2))'::geometry);
 <gml:Polygon><gml:OuterBoundaryIs>1,2 4,5 3,6

Note that capital 'OuterBoundaryIs', which doesn't match GDAL, and has
never been my understanding. 

I think this is a bug in PostGIS, but I can't login to the bug tracker,
so I don't know if it's a known bug or just something I bumped into.

>From the original posting to the mailing list:


It seems like this is a bug which has always existed.

Should OpenLayers be supporting this? Or is this a bug in PostGIS that
we can simply say "You have invalid GML -- sorry?" to? 

Christopher Schmidt

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