[OpenLayers-Dev] animated zooming 1.0

Cameron Shorter cameron.shorter at gmail.com
Sat Feb 3 17:56:52 EST 2007

Very Smick! I want one.

Emanuel Schütze wrote:
> Hi list,
> here is my first version of the animated zooming feature:
> http://dev.openlayers.org/sandbox/emanuel/animatedZooming/demo.html
> You'll find my patch file in the ticket #442:
> http://trac.openlayers.org/ticket/442
> Features in the current version:
> - zooming with the zoomslider -> scale all tiles by shrinking/enlarging 
> - scale all active/visible layers (what do you think about the performance?)
> - simple zoomOut (gets a white frame)
> Features for the next versions:
> - preloading specific tiles of lower zoomlevels to prevent the white frame 
> during zoomOut
> - scale the red rectangle in the overviewmap 
> - animated zooming with +/- buttons like the demo [1] of animatedPanning 
> (#110) 
> - animated zooming with mousewheel 
> - animated zooming with +/- keys
> Do you have more ideas/suggestions?
> Please test the demo and tell me what you think about it! Thanks.
> Best regards,
> Emanuel
> PS: I have to finish my implementation by the end of february.
> [1] http://sigims.edia.pt/gmaps/final/openlayers_page.html
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Cameron Shorter
Systems Architect, http://terrapages.com.au
Tel: +61 (0)2 8570 5011
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