[OpenLayers-Dev] tile problem

Bart van den Eijnden (OSGIS) bartvde at osgis.nl
Wed Feb 7 05:08:11 EST 2007

Yes WMS Untiled can be used for this purpose, it will only use a single


baselayer0 = new OpenLayers.Layer.WMS.Untiled( "Topografische kaart",
{layers: 'AAA126,AAA127,AAA134', 'format':'image/jpeg',
'transparent':'true'}, {'numZoomLevels': 7, 'ratio':1, isBaseLayer: true} );


Best regards,

Bart van den Eijnden
OSGIS, Open Source GIS

--------- Oorspronkelijk bericht --------
Van: Lars Schrader <lars.schrader at web.de>
Naar: dev at openlayers.org <dev at openlayers.org>
Onderwerp: Re: [OpenLayers-Dev] tile problem
Datum: 07/02/07 07:42

> Am Dienstag, 6. Februar 2007 17:53 schrieben Sie:
> &gt; On Tue, Feb 06, 2007 at 05:21:15PM +0100, Lars Schrader wrote:
> &gt; &gt; Hello,
> &gt; &gt;
> &gt; &gt; how can I change OpenLayers to get only one tile?
> &gt; &gt; I have changed the following things:
> &gt; &gt;
> &gt; &gt; buffer=0  under ../OpenLayers/lib/OpenLayers/Layer/Grid.js
> &gt; &gt;
> &gt; &gt; OpenLayers.Map.TILE_WIDTH = 640; to the viewSize of the map
> &gt; &gt; OpenLayers.Map.TILE_HEIGHT =320; to the viewSize of the map
> &gt; &gt; under ../OpenLayers/lib/OpenLayers/Map.js
> &gt; &gt;
> &gt; &gt; Now I get 4 tiles, because the function _initTiles under Grid.js
> &gt; &gt; don?t create less than 4 tiles.
> &gt; &gt;
> &gt; &gt; Is there any easy way to solve the problem, or is it necessary
> &gt; &gt; change the function?
> &gt;
> &gt; This should be fixed/changed in the latest SVN. Are you using SVN, or
> &gt; older release?
> &gt;
> &gt; Regards,
> Hello Christopher,
> thanks for your answer. Today I checked out a workspace copy from the svn.
> But the problem is the same. Untile yesterday I used OpenLayers-2.3-rc2.
> In the OpenLayers directory I find a file called ../Layer/WMS/Untiled.js. 
> Should these file be used for my problem? How can I 
> use ../Layer/WMS/Untiled.js instead of ../Layer/WMS.js?
> I have inplemeted the WMS-Service by the following code.
>  function init(){
>             map = new OpenLayers.Map( $('map') , 
>             { controls: [] , 'numZoomLevels':10});
>             dops = new OpenLayers.Layer.WMS( 
>             		&quot;Dops&quot;
>             		, &quot;http://x.x.x.x/cgi-bin/mapserv?&quot;
>             		, {map: '/srv/www/mapserver/xxx/dop/dop.map'
> 			, layers:'Dops', format:'image/jpeg'}
>        			, {maxExtent: new 
>                            OpenLayers.Bounds(minx,miny,maxx,maxy)
> 			, maxResolution: 'auto', projection:&quot;EPSG:31467&quot; });
>             dops.setVisibility(true); 
>             dops.addOptions({isBaseLayer: true});
>             map.addLayer(dops);
> Wrong way?
> Greetings, Lars
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